We want to thanks ALL of our partners and friends that helped us with this Crusade, the Holy Spirit chose one of the neediest neighborhoods of La Ceiba, Honduras to do this outreach, and it was awesome! The Glory of the Lord was present there in a powerful way, that even Pastors and reporters were shaking under the power of the Holy Spirit and the people’s hearts melted wanting to know and surrender to the love of God! Around 10,000 people came and around 8,000 souls responded to the salvation prayer. We have testimonies of many healings, deliverances, and miracles that took place during the Crusade.

We gave away 4,000 bags of groceries and 52 Men’s Work Bicycles. People were so blessed and encouraged by this! The crusade was TV and Radio Broadcasted so even many more people were reached by it.

Thanks again for your partnership, prayers, and encouragement. We could feel your prayers and support! And remember, It is so much more than “supporting a ministry”. This is definitely a team effort! Since you sowed and partnered with us, you have a part in the eternal reward of the harvest of souls. When you take action in the Word of God, God takes action in your life! So, expect your harvest from our Awesome Father, the God of more than enough!

“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” Proverbs 11:25

God is good, He is doing great things and we give HIM all the Glory for what HE has done!

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