In this trip to Kenya God enlarge my vision to reach the lost as I saw the power and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ healed them all, yes that’s right, we had 3 different services where all who came forth for prayer got healed by JESUS! It was awesome to see how easily infirmities, deceases, and demons must bow at the mention of THE NAME OF JESUS. All the glory be to our gooood GOD!

I want to thank my heavenly Father for this opportunity to go to Kenya, what an extraordinary experience to carry the Word of God and the Power of the Holy Spirit to the lost and to the church in Kenya; 202 souls received Jesus as Lord and savior and the saints of the churches along with 20+ Pastors were mightily edify and trained on how to win souls for Jesus.

I stayed there for 5 day and traveled for 4. I ministered 4+ times per day: 2 to the Church and 2 evangelistic services to reach the lost, one on one witnessing and the evangelistic crusade.

THANK YOU to all the partners and friends for partnering with us and sowing a seed into our ministry, enabling us to go to preach the good news and to do more for the Kingdom of God! I declare that: “a mighty harvest of the supernatural power and provision of the Lord is coming your way” In Jesus name, Amen! Expect it because is coming!!! Thank you Jesus!!!!